{{tag>grammar n3 todo}}
====== ごとに|たびに|おきに ======
//Adapted from [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6bZA2xVBkE|日本語の森's N3 compilation video]], 0:00:00-0:08:11//
Each of these phrases are used with nouns, verbs, and counters to indicate something happens every time or whenever something else occurs.
|+ style="caption-side:bottom;" |*おきに can only be used with counters related to time durations and distances.
! !! ごとに !! たびに !! おきに
!style="color:mediumseagreen;"| 名詞 ||style="background-color:mediumseagreen;"|Nごとに||style="background-color:mediumseagreen;"|Nのたびに||style="background-color:lightcoral;"|X
!style="color:lightcoral;"| 動詞 ||style="background-color:mediumseagreen;"|Vごとに||style="background-color:mediumseagreen;"|Vたびに||style="background-color:lightcoral;"|X
!style="color:royalblue;"| 数量詞(__[[:dict:数量詞|d]]__) ||style="background-color:mediumseagreen;"|Cごとに||style="background-color:lightcoral;"|X||style="background-color:mediumseagreen;"|Cおきに*
===== 例文 =====
For each of these examples below, an English translation is provided in a hidden box.
==== 名詞 ====
- あの先生は{{ruby|授業|じゅぎょう}}__ごとに__{{ruby|宿題|しゅくだい}}がでる。
* ++answer | That teacher gives out homework every time there's class.++
- あの先生は{{ruby|授業|じゅぎょう}}__のたびに__{{ruby|宿題|しゅくだい}}がでる。
* ++answer | That teacher gives out homework every time there's class.++
==== 動詞 ====
- 会う__ごとに__好きになっていくよ。
* ++answer | Every time we meet I fall in love.++
- 見る__たびに__可愛くなっていくよね。
* ++answer | They are cute every time I see them.++
==== 数量詞 ====
- この本は1ページ__ごとに__おもしろくなる。
* ++answer | Each page of this book is interesting.++
* Note that ページ is not a time or distance, so おきに cannot be used.
- 電車が10分__ごとに__くる。
* ++answer | The train comes every 10 minutes.++
- 電車が10分__おきに__くる。
* ++answer | The train comes every 10 minutes.++
===== 以外 =====
One exception to note for 数量詞 is that ごとに and おきに have different meanings in the case of talking about 1 of something.
* 1年__ごとに__ = one time in one year
* 1年__おきに__ = one time in two years
Presumably this is because おきに implies that the instance lasted for a year? I'm not sure. FIXME